Air Conditioning
Air Conditioning is becoming increasingly popular in newer cars to the point that most models come with it as standard. The system uses a refrigerant (gas) which needs regular maintenance to keep its optimum performance. If your air con is not blowing as cold as usual, the system most likely needs to be re gassed. Before having the system re gassed its is necessary to perform a leak check of the system to determine weather the refrigerant leaked naturally(it is normal to lose about 10% a year through pipe connections/seals) or weather the system has a leak which needs to be repaired before a recharge.
If a leak is suspected in the system, it needs to have a UV dye injected into the system or be pressurized using leaktrace gas. Once the system is repaired it needs to have any moisture removed by using a service machine followed by replacing lost lubricant before recharging the a/c system.
Our services include:
-Old gas recycling
-Moisture removal
-Leak detection
-U/V dye
-System lubrication
-System recharge ( both r134a & 1234yf gas )
All performed on our state of the art fully automatic Dual Gas A/C Service machine.